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Giving Credit Where It’s Due

‘Knowing’ in the Biblical sense is a very intimate thing. It implies to actually experience. It is not just head knowledge, cerebral assent, or muscular posing. John 8:32 says, ‘You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.’ You participate; you experience life and make it ‘biographical.’ So, your theology becomes your biography. —Tim Hansel, Holy Sweat

The past few weeks, we’ve been looking at several different aspects of who God the Father is, talking about what He wants to do in our lives and how He wants us to act towards Him. These are definitely important things to have in your head…

But the buck doesn’t stop there.

It’s one thing to know all of these things in our head (to know this about God), but what a tragedy it would be if we never go further than this! God’s revelation causes a response in the hearts of those who are sensitive to His leading. When Moses received God’s revelation, he saw himself in proportion to the God he now knew. And how did he respond?

“Moses bowed to the ground at once and worshiped.” (Exodus 34:8)

He saw that God is praiseworthy.

Moses praised God with his whole being. It wasn’t just something he knew in his head. He was experiencing God in a radical way, getting to know Him personally. Not only does praise put us in our place and God in His, but it also changes our hearts and deepens our experience of spiritual intimacy with the Creator.

After Moses praised Him, God began to make Himself known to others through Moses. God had revealed Himself as Father, and Moses saw himself as a child. Together, they walked forward in truth to the glory of God.

Father, whenever I get the chance to learn more about You, I pray that You take what I’m putting in my head and move it to my heart. Make this REAL in my life. I want to radically experience You every day. I love You, and You are worthy of ALL my praise!!! Amen.

Learn more about the Christian life and experiencing intimacy, joy, and fulfillment in Pete’s series, The Essence of Christian Living.

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