Nothing before, nothing behind: The steps of faith fall on the seeming void, and find the Rock beneath. —J. G. Whittier
I like that short poem. It was a favorite of Hudson Taylor, an English missionary who took a huge step of faith to take the good news about Christ to China in 1854. “The steps of faith … fall on the seeming void …” Applying a new truth about who you are in Christ is a step of faith like that—it never feels natural. It might even feel like inching out onto the ice, jumping from an airplane, or (as in Taylor’s situation) sailing from your homeland into the complete unknown. No, there is nothing natural about the feeling at first. But first steps must be taken!
Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. (Galatians 5:24-25)
The Spirit lives, and the Spirit leads! Because of your new nature in Jesus, that means that it is more natural for you to walk in holiness than to walk in sin… no matter what those first awkward steps feel like. Do you hear me? That’s really important. It is more natural for you to make the right choice than to make the wrong one.
When you make the right choice, it’s not, “Whoa! Can you believe it? I did the right thing!” It’s to be expected now. Yeah, celebrate what Christ is doing through you, but get used to it! It’s normal now to make the right choice in the power of the Spirit because that’s who you are!
How is the Spirit nudging you to take a new step of faith today? Give it a try. It may feel like jumping into an endless fog, but you will find the Rock beneath.
Holy Spirit, by faith, I want to keep in step with You. May the reality of You in me translate into action through me! It feels unsafe and scary, but I trust in You as I learn to walk in new ways today. Amen.