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Supplemental Faith

If you eat a balanced diet you get all the vitamins and minerals you need and you don’t need any supplement and overdosing can actually be more harmful. —Subodh Gupta

People who are concerned about their health tend to be serious about vitamins. Many open their pack of supplements each morning, swallow down the pills, and then eat whatever they wish for the rest of the day. They take supplements to cover the inadequacy of their diet.

Then there are those who take supplements to supercharge their health. They swallow their horse-sized pills right before they eat their gluten-free, high-protein, low-fat, low-carb, sugar-free breakfast. Their supplements are backup insurance. Through proper nutrition, they already have everything they need, but just in case…

Interesting, isn’t it!? Here’s the point: The church in Galatia approached their faith this same way and so do many of us. They had Jesus, but they weren’t sure He was enough. Teachers came along and told them, “Hey, Jesus is great, but you need a boost—a supplement—to the Gospel. You need to add some law to your faith diet,” The Galatians, on a spiritual health kick, jumped on board. After all, the law had been good for them in the past; why not use it to supplement faith today?

When Paul realized what was happening, he didn’t mince words.

“Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ.” (Galatians 1:7)

Bam! Paul hit this hard, and so should we. Jesus requires no supplement. His provision is complete. To add to the pure Gospel of God’s amazing grace isn’t just unnecessary, it changes the Good News and makes it no Gospel at all!

Think about that. It’s that serious. It’s that damaging to your spiritual health.

Lord, thank You that Your grace requires no supplement whatsoever! None. Amen.

Step away from the rigidness of religion and dance instead—listen to Pete’s audio series Dance Lessons!
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