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Three Essential Promises We Can Rest In

Those that are most slow in making a promise are the most faithful in the performance of it. —Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Do you long for a list that tells you exactly how to please God? Jesus invites you to trust in His work—to cease striving and start resting. But for those who love lists, here are three essential promises available to you in Christ:

Internal Activity 

When the law was given to the nation of Israel, they responded, “We will do everything the Lord has said” (Exodus 19:8). Their intentions were good, but they were completely unable to keep their word.

Realizing the people’s inability to perform, the Lord made a new promise: “I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts” (Hebrews 8:10).

This promise was fulfilled with the coming of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit transforms our nature and liberates us from sin. It’s through the Spirit’s internal activity that we are set free from an external performance mindset.

Intimate Relationship 

Very few people in the Old Testament had a personal relationship with God. Certain kings and prophets were given the Holy Spirit for specific functions, but everyone else worshiped God from a distance using priests as mediators.

The new covenant is so much better: “I will be their God, and they will be my people. No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest” (Hebrews 8:10b-11).

You no longer have to “be someone” to know God. The Holy Spirit is available to all.

Indisputable Forgiveness

“For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more” (Hebrews 8:12). This means exactly what it says. The sins you can’t seem to forget are the same sins God doesn’t remember. They’re gone. Completely.

These promises invite you to release the need to do more and rest in what He’s already done.

Father, I am overwhelmed with the beauty of these new covenant realities. Thank You! Amen.

Dive deeper into Hebrews with Pete’s video series Better: A New and Living Way!
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