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Wandering the Wilderness

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive—to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love. —Marcus Aurelius

You got the message: God loves me, and I don’t have to do X anymore.

You left Old Covenant living behind. You abandoned legalism. You stopped marching because New Covenant living looks a lot different—more like a dance.

But you aren’t dancing yet. Instead, you’re stuck between “I don’t have to!” and “I get to!” And it feels a little like a wilderness like the Israelites felt after they left the bondage of Egypt. They had seen “gods” humbled, death reign, seas parted, and rocks gush water. Yet, as they stood at the edge of the Promised Land and took a vote on whether or not they should enter, the Israelites lamented their lost days of slavery! They wished for bondage.

And they said to each other, “We should choose a leader and go back to Egypt.” (Numbers 14:4)

In His grace, God allowed them to refuse entrance to all He had promised. Instead, He had them wander the wilderness between bondage and blessing.

Wilderness wandering is exactly what the Israelites did until death. That generation missed the adventure.

I’m so grateful you’ve stopped marching. I don’t want you in Egypt—under the bondage of the law. But neither do I want you wandering in the wilderness.

So, yes, God loves you and you don’t have to do X anymore. But what do you get to do with Him?

To whom do you get to give generously?

Whom do you get to serve?

What conversation do you get to have with Him today?

Holy Spirit, I realize the magnificent role You fill in my everyday life with Christ. Lead this dance. I get to follow You—what an adventure! Open my eyes to the things we get to do together today, then do those things through me in Your joy and strength. Amen.

Step away from the rigidness of religion and dance instead—listen to Pete’s audio series Dance Lessons!
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