I always wished I would grow up to be somebody. Maybe I should have been a little more specific. —Lily Tomlin
Everybody wants to be somebody, but how do we know who that somebody is? That’s another question that is often asked. In this situation, however, the influencers in our world are happy to give you their answer… and then sell you what you need to make it happen. There is no mystery here. In the modern Western world, your identity is almost always determined by four different things: 1) What you look like, 2) What you do, 3) What you have, and 4) Who you know.
Every time we buy into this value system, our lives become consumed with “I must have,” “I ought to,” and “How do I get people to like me so I can get what I need?” It’s a vicious, never-ending cycle that only gives temporary results. It’s tragic when you think about it—and it’s usually very expensive.
Christ offers an option to this cycle. Rather than basing our identity on possessions, performance, or people, He calls us to enter into the mystery of the ages—to experience the profound realization that our true identity is found in Him, not in ourselves. Remember Paul’s description of this powerful mystery:
To them (believers in Christ), God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. (Colossians 1:27)
If your life today is consumed with finding your identity in the things of the world, freedom and peace are at hand. By discovering who you are in Christ and who He is in you, rest and peace can be yours.
Heavenly Father, lead me into the mystery and the peace and the rest that come through understanding who I am in You and the fact that You are in me. Lord, this is a huge mystery. It is so much easier to buy into the rules that the world gives me. But I’m tired. I want the real thing. Show me who I am in You. Amen.