When we were in Charlestown, South Carolina I saw this banner outside a church. It struck me as beautiful. I found myself imagining the difference a church like this could make in this day and age and my heart was strangely warmed. I resonated with it.
Then my conservative evangelical training kicked in and I wondered about a few of the marks of the church that I had always championed that seemed to be missing. But then I realized that all those things could fit neatly under, “Love God” and “Share earthly and spiritual resources.” The amount of contemplation and grappling this sign produced in me was surprising so I wanted to share it with you to see if it hit you in a similar way.
So, as we try to figure out how the church can love this crazy world we find ourselves in, I would value reading your thoughts on this banner.
Does it resonate with you or do you find yourself “what-abouting”?