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Praising Him through the Fog

Faith is like radar that sees through the fog. —Corrie Ten Boom

I think the reason I like Sarah and Abraham’s story so much is because of the timing of it all. It wouldn’t have been so miraculous if Sarah had gotten pregnant earlier in life, even if it had been after prolonged barrenness. No, this account gets its punch because of the timing. At nearly 100 years of age, God’s promise of a child came to them. But there’s another important bit of timing that took place. Can you find it?

Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead—since he was about a hundred years old—and that Sarah’s womb was also dead. Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised. (Romans 4:19-21)

It’s important to note the timing of Abraham’s praise. His son was not born yet, so his praise emerges in the midst of his pain. He’s still grappling with perplexing problems, but standing on the promise he received, he gives glory to God for things he can’t yet see and hasn’t yet received.

Belief culminates in praise.

Abraham’s heart, like our hearts, has the capacity to worship and give thanks based on who God is. Because the fulfillment of God’s promise is certain, our praise of God need not waver, nor does it need to wait.

Eternal Lord, I believe in You. By the truth of Your Word and the power of the Spirit in me, I will not waver in faith in You. Fill my heart with thoughts of You today. Even when I can’t see, I will not wait to praise You. Amen.

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