You only live twice: Once when you’re born. And once when you look death in the face. —Ian Fleming
I sometimes imagine my own death in a hospital room. Libby and all of my children and grandchildren are gathered around my bed, each taking turns and telling me how much they love me. Together, they leave to grab some dinner, and it’s while they are gone that Jesus says, “It’s time, Pete.” The lights get dimmer and I think, It’s about to happen!
For some time, imagining that moment brought fear because I thought, I’m going to be so alone. But then I found a beautiful promise.
We already discovered that Jesus pioneered death, and because He went first, death is supposed to be less scary. We’ll follow Him through, and one day He’ll present all the children to the Father. We’ll go blameless, without fear of rejection. This makes death less scary, but it’s still a little scary.
What promise will eliminate all fear?
Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted. (Hebrews 2:18)
Jesus suffered, He was tempted, and yet He surrendered to the Father. As a result, He is able to help those of us being tempted. The word help here means to run to someone upon hearing a cry. It’s a “Who’s in trouble? I’m coming! I’ve already done this. I’m here.”
When your time comes to face death, cry out to Jesus. He’s already there; you won’t be alone in that moment. He is the bridge that leads from this life to the next.
So, His dying for us might make our death less scary, but His presence with us takes all fear away.
Isn’t that beautiful?
Savior, what comfort it brings to know You are present in death, ushering us into a place of rest and glory! I feel so loved knowing that when I cry for help, You’re already there. Amen