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The Awesome Beauty of Christ in You

Now, more than ever, he [God] is summoning forth the awesome beauty and capacity that he has deposited among his people worldwide. —George Miley

I, for one, am really glad that God never gave us the “what to do” without also giving us the “how to do it.” When God calls us into holy living, the call comes with the emerging conviction that our lives are supposed to be different. But if we try to do it the way we used to, failure awaits us at every attempt. We are called to be the amazing holy representatives of Him on this planet. But how do we do it?

Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him … In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. … offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness. (Romans 6:8,11,13)

Believe. Count. Offer. These three keywords show us how we are to live in holiness in Christ. First, we must believe. Even if it’s just a sliver of faith, even if it is simply a willful recognition of what Scripture says is true. Stepping out with belief, by faith, in what the Bible says is the first step toward the experience of walking in holiness in Christ. But if you’re like me, your prayers might sound like the words of the man who confessed to Jesus, “I believe. Help my unbelief!” That’s okay. I think Jesus likes honest prayers like that.

Lord Jesus, I put my faith and trust in You and in Your Word. I believe the Word. I believe that because I died with You, I will also live with You. I trust that I am in You, and You are in me today. And I rest in the fact that I can trust You to live a life of holiness through my spirit using this body. Glory to Christ! Summon forth the beauty and capacity that You have placed in me! Amen.

Dig deeper into what it means to have a new identity in Christ. Watch Pete’s series Identity Defined here >
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